Doordash has been approved to provide unemployment benefits to workers affected by hurricanes

Doordashes application to the federal government for unemployment benefits has been accepted and will be sent to employers, the company said Friday.

The applications will be reviewed in advance, and if the applications meet eligibility requirements, it said in a statement.

The company is looking to find workers to help it process its jobless benefits request.

Doordashing said it would send the benefits by mail.

The state Department of Labor and Industries confirmed Friday that the company had applied to receive unemployment benefits, saying it was considering doing so.

The department is in the process of reviewing Doordashed’s application.

DoORDASH SAYS IT IS NOT INCREDIBLE TO HELP IN NEEDS The announcement is the latest in a series of setbacks for DoordASH in the storm aftermath.

In August, the Washington state company had to close a store and stop some of its employees from working because of an extended outage.

Last week, the state announced it would not be reimbursing workers for the first five weeks of unemployment benefits they were entitled to.

In April, a federal judge ruled that Doordasher could not be forced to repay its employees, and the company appealed the decision.

The appeals court decision left Doordashi workers with a backlog of $8 million.

Doormash also has been hit with an unpaid debt of more than $400,000 after its employees received no unemployment benefits for the month of June.

The debt was owed by Doordas parent company, the Delaware-based company that is owned by the billionaire and founder, Dick Doordacy.

The decision has resulted in a reduction in Doordasys workforce of more 2,500 people.

Doordeash said it has taken steps to assist its employees.

“We’ve worked with the state and federal government to address this debt, and we are confident that we will be able to get it paid,” Doordeashes statement said.

In May, Doordasha said it had $1.2 million in debt owed to banks, and had also incurred $5 million in additional costs.

The statement said Doordares decision to stop hiring workers “was not an easy one, but we remain committed to the people we serve.”


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